Black Women's Childbirth Experiences with Medical Providers when Accompanied by Perinatal Support Doulas

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This presentation will describe the nature and characteristics of Black women's interactions with medical providers during childbirth when accompanied by a Perinatal Support Doula (PSD). The study design was qualitative, and a phenomenological approach was employed to examine the meaning of 25 Black women's experiences. Clients broadly categorized experiences as both positive and negative. When medical providers respected them, their birth plans and/or collaborated with PSDs, women reported more positive experiences. They associated negative experiences with providers having their own timelines and agendas, and women perceiving their needs were unheard and/or disrespected.

Participants may earn .50 Lamaze Contact Hours and .50 hours of CNE when bundled with other conference sessions.

Cyleste Collins, Ph.D, MSW, MA

Cyleste Collins is an Associate Professor of social work at Cleveland State University. Her work primarily focuses on health disparities, infant and maternal mortality prevention, community-engaged research, community/academic partnerships, and family housing instability. She earned her MSW and Ph.D in Social work from the University of Alabama and her MA in Psychology from the University of California.

Heather Rice, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS

Heather M. Rice is an Assistant Professor from Cleveland State University College of Health (School of Nursing). She is also a board-certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Rice earned her PhD in Nursing Science and MSN from Case Western Reserve University in 2017. Dr. Rice is a passionate advocate for infant and maternal mortality prevention, birth equity, reproductive justice, toxic stress and mental wellness. She is committed to addressing health disparities working in partnership with the community organizations Birthing Beautiful Communities (BBC) and the Village of Healing Center (VOH).


Black Women's Childbirth Experiences with Medical Providers when Accompanied by Perinatal Support Doulas
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
Certificate of Completion - Lamaze Contact Hours
0.50 credits  |  Certificate available
0.50 credits  |  Certificate available