Introducing Black Centered Care to the Community

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    • Non-member - $45
    • Non-Member - Group B - $18
    • Non-Member - Group C - $18
    • Non-Member - Group D - $18
    • Member - $35
    • Member - Group B - $14
    • Member - Group C - $14
    • Member - Group D - $14

Cleveland, Ohio was found to be one the worst cities for livability for Black women. This included healthcare. The Black infant and maternal mortality rates continued to show an astounding disparity with no real solutions. The co-founders of The Village of Healing Center recognized these struggles for Black women and provided a solution. Culturally sensitive healthcare that looks like the community it serves from the aesthetics of the clinic to the faces providing care. 

Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE.

Dàna M. Langford, M.S., APRN-CNM

While working as a certified nurse midwife and serving on numerous committees, she observed Black women were not being heard in the discussion of racial disparities in maternal and infant health.  She co-founded Village of Healing, a community development organization focused on healing and empowering the village to eliminate social determinants of health and decrease disparities.  Under that umbrella The Village of Healing Center was developed to deliver quality health care that meets the social and cultural needs of patients. She founded Dàna M. Langford Consulting, an enterprise focused on uplifting communities and addressing systemic injustices through education, professional coaching, and advocacy. With a host of experience working in hospital systems as a certified nurse midwife, for more than 14 years, Dàna is invested in serving the Black community. She brings clinical bedside and corporate boardroom experience coupled with an adherent passion for the eradication of racial disparities to her companies and the communities she serves.


Introducing Black Centered Care to the Community
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
Certificate of Completion - CNE & Lamaze Contact Hours
1.00 credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 credit  |  Certificate available