Lamaze Educator Learning Guide
- Non-member - $250
- Non-Member - Group B - $250
- Non-Member - Group C - $250
- Non-Member - Group D - $250
- Member - $250
- Member - Group B - $250
- Member - Group C - $250
- Member - Group D - $250
The Lamaze Educator Learning Guide is a self-study resource designed to help you develop the competencies of a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator. It prepares you to teach the Essential Content for Lamaze classes and will continue to serve as an important reference for evidence-based information throughout your professional career. This course covers the following content through interactive modules:
Module I: Professional Role of the Childbirth Educator
Module II: Promoting Safe and Healthy Pregnancy
Module III: Promoting Safe and Healthy Birth
Module IV: Healthy Baby, Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding, Postpartum, and Early Parenting
Module V: Teaching
Module VI: Changing the World of Birth
Learners will be provided with module review questions, module handouts, and essential readings from The Journal of Perinatal Education. Most learners report taking several months to proceed through the course content and should anticipate spending the majority of time reading articles and exploring online sources.